The Islamabad High Court (IHC) has granted bail to Bushra Bibi, wife of PTI founder Imran Khan, in a new case related to a costly Bulgari jewellery set from the Toshakhana. The set, valued at Rs71.5 million, was reportedly purchased for only Rs2.9 million by the former prime minister and his wife.
Bushra Bibi filed a petition seeking bail on October 4, and on Wednesday, Justice Miangul Hassan Aurangzeb approved it with surety bonds of Rs1 million. The detailed verdict is expected later.
Bushra’s lawyer, Barrister Salman Safdar and FIA prosecutor, Umair Majid Malik, presented their arguments during the hearing. Malik explained that state-owned gifts must be declared and legally purchased, which could lead to consequences. Justice Aurangzeb questioned the valuation process and remarked that Toshakhana gifts could only be adequately valued through an auction.
The court compared the case to Justice Qazi Faez Isa’s, where the husband was held responsible for his wife’s actions. However, Malik argued that Bushra Bibi’s case differed.
Due to security reasons, the special court proceedings for indictment against Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi were postponed until October 26.