Afghan cricket star Rashid Khan celebrated his wedding in a grand ceremony in Kabul on Thursday night. Videos from the event quickly went viral on social media. His brothers, Amir Khalil, Zakiullah, and Raza Khan, also married during the same event.
Many of Rashid’s national teammates attended the celebration, making it a significant moment for the Afghanistan cricket community.
Rashid Khan is recognized as one of the top spinners and all-rounders in T20 international cricket. His outstanding performances have earned him a strong reputation worldwide. In September, he played a crucial role in Afghanistan’s historic ODI series victory over South Africa. With 152 wickets in 93 T20I matches and 190 wickets in 105 ODIs, Rashid’s career continues to impress.
Besides his on-field achievements, Rashid has taken on leadership duties. He led Afghanistan in the 2024 T20 World Cup, guiding the team to one of their best performances in international cricket. His contributions as a leader and a player have elevated Afghanistan’s standing in the sport.
Rashid’s wedding was another reminder of his importance to Afghanistan, not only as a cricketer but as a national figure. The widespread attention his wedding attracted shows his immense popularity and influence in sports and his country.